Know who you are
Knowing who you are as a professional is a very important aspect prior to entering an interview. You may already have most of your experiences and positions on your resume but what makes YOU different than other people? What will you bring to the table? How can you make an impact in the company/ district? Selling yourself is key.
Know your resume
What you put on your resume is what companies/ districts look at FIRST. When writing your resume make sure to include jobs all jobs that you have had that you believe will be relatable to the company/ district you are applying for. Make sure to use adjectives and describe what your previous jobs were like so that employers can visualize what you have done and your potential.
Prior to coming to the interview, make sure that you have done your research about the company. It is highly recommended that the employee do research on the company. Though the company may not give you to much information prior there are so many ways to research. INTERNET. The internet has so many valuable resources for the employee to read on.Ask questions
Should the employee ask questions? YES. Not only should the employer ask the potential candidate questions but the candidate should ask questions about the company as well. Some potential questions include What are the responsibilities of this position? What are the qualities you are looking for in a candidate? Is there potential to move up in the company?Vocabulary
dreadful-causing great dread, fear, or terror; terrible
essential-absolutely necessary; indispensable
professional-following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain
visualize-to form a mental image of
valuable- having qualities worthy of respect, admiration, or esteem
potential-possible, as opposed to actual
Activity- Cause and Effect
As you read through the post think about the causes and effects of each scenario.
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